Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bird's Eye view

It is dangerous to only focus on the details and not see the wider view of things. Whilst the detail view focuses on the now the bird's eye view sees the whole picture. It considers cause and effect, process and product. Both views are important but the bird's eye view helps you in better focusing on details that will be you to where you want to go.

In the same light, it is dangerous for photographers to only look at what they are doing and comparing themselves with a few other photographers. We live in an age where the industry is what we should be looking at. Chase Jarvis has been preaching this doctrine for some time now but there are still photographers who unfortunately have not caught.

I met a photographer yesterday who understood the wider industry and was willing to share techniques and such (Thanks Peter). Some of the techniques were put to use right away.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I had seen this image every time I looked at the leaves of this flower. Some how the light was never hitting it at the right angle. And in the days of film I never had any f2.8 lenses. I am very satisfied with this photograph. It just works. The light is amazing, the colors are dashing. I like the highlight at the very edge of the leaves in the front. It adds some good detail. The pattern of color in the background is very interesting and reminds me of painting. This is one of my favorite shots for this week.

I took this yesterday after a school's graduation meeting. Today myself and a friend will be making pictures at the graduation. I am just making sure every is ready for me to leave. Enjoy. Cheers.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Whoaaaaa! It's been almost two years since I dropped a line here. WOW! That's a long time in the blogosphere. The last time I blogged here Leopard was just out. Now Snow Leopard previews are out. This has got to change.

I just finished watching Chase Jarvis presentation at ADCD. A pretty inspirational presentation on the consequences of Creativity. It has me all pumped up and high on the thoughts of blogging more regularly and publishing my poetry. Yes poetry. It is time. A book should be out within a year. And I will be posting readings here on this blog.

That said, over the past two years or so, I have continued to contribute to the La Belle Helen tourist magazine here in Saint Lucia and I am looking for more such work.