Tuesday, September 10, 2013

iPhone as Camera and then Phone.

 The Apple iPhone 5S will rock as an everyday camera. The increase in pixel size gives a major increase in quality. It is not the number of pixels that matter but the quality of these pixels. There has been a megapixel war ragging in the camera industry for years. This was brought over to the smartphone industry and many individuals are buying phones for the camera thinking the more megapixels the merrier.  The larger pixels should offer lower noise especially in low light situations, where most smaller cameras have failed traditionally. In addition to this the new lens has a wide 2.4 aperture (really the hole in the lens that lets the light through) which should also help in low light situations. This new camera looks awesome can't wait to use it.

Canon et al are lucky I am not a flash manufacturer. The LED flash (two LEDs one warm on cold) on the iPhone 5S is something I have thought about for years. But since I don't manufacture hardware I have not done it (honestly). It is a great innovation. It allows you to balance the color temperature of the  flash with the ambient light color temperature of your subject. It would really be great if you could tweak it to get what you want manually. Feeling kinda strange leaving this up to the cameras brains. We'll see how it works out when the 5s actually comes out but the announcements do sound appealing and it think they will keep the iPhone as one of the most popular cameras being used right now. I think Apple has done a great job in the camera department here (Again!).

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