Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Rose is still a rose

If anyone wants to become a pro photographer he/she should shoot regularly. The big difference between a pro and an amateur is that the pro has to produce all the time. It is not a matter of feeling or inspiration. He has to get inspired, sometimes force inspiration all the time. Inorder to get to that point one must shoot everyday. One must develop the habit of producing.

Inorder to do this I've began shooting things around our house (my wife thinks I'm obessessed but it is all towards an end here...) This is another step to going pro: Shoot, shoot and shoot some more. I will be shooting everyday. It does not matter what subject matter as long as I'm out there shooting, or even in here (at home) shooting. I must make it.

Hope you enjoy the photo of the rose I shot today. I will try to post up a photo of my daily shoots here. Hey it's very late. I need to get some shut eye.

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